Dry Eye Basics
February 9, 2023Optics Formulas
May 19, 2023
Anatomy Basics Simulation
This course is intended for training beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels on the anatomy and physiology of the eye.
This course teaches the following:
This course is in power point format and includes multiple simulations to aid in your understanding of the anatomy of the eye. Please note that you will need the most updated power point viewer on your computer to view slides- this can be downloaded for free by using the link on our homepage.
- Identify the bones of the orbit
- List the openings in the orbital structure
- Identify the sinuses and their placement
- Describe the layers of the cornea
- List the average power of the cornea
- Identify the Ciliary body, iris, and Choroid and Uveal tissue on a diagram
- List the 6 extraocular muscles and their primary functions
- Identify which intrinsic muscles are responsible for pupil dilation and pupil constriction
- Explain the path of aqueous humor in the anterior segment
- Identify the layers of the lens
- Describe the function of the zonules
- List facts about the posterior segment and the vitreous
- List the photoreceptor cells in the retina
- Identify the cornea, iris, pupil, anterior segment, retina, Choroid, Ciliary body, Vitreous cavity, and zonules on a diagram of the eye
- List which eyelid muscle, gland, or ligament is responsible for uupper lid elevation, closure, lower lid closure, and tear film production
This course should take approximately 1 hour to complete.
This course has been approved by the AOA Commission on Paraoptometric Certification (CPC) for continuing education credit for use toward paraoptometric certification renewal.