COA Practice Test A and B:
Order our COA practice tests to help you review for the JCAHPO COA Certification exam. We offer 2 different practice tests with different questions on each test. These practice tests are in the same format (multiple choice) as the JCAHPO COA Certification exam. Each test includes 225 practice questions with answer key included. You will not earn JCAHPO CE credits using these practice tests, but you will be able to assess your knowledge of the material covered on the JCAHPO COA Certification exam. Order one practice test for $15.00 or both for $25.00. Ordering both practice tests gives you more questions to study from and it allows you to take one test, grade it, find out what you still need to study and then take the second test.
JCAHPO does not sponsor these or any other practice tests. Questions and material tested is based on the instructors’ interpretation of the content areas outlined in the JCAHPO Criteria for Certification and Recertification handbook, and the providers of these practice tests have no direct knowledge of the specific certification examination questions.
These tests are designed to give you practice on questions that test the material listed on the JCAHPO examination study guide in content areas 1-6, which are the content areas covered on the COA test.
The cost to purchase and download either practice test A or practice test B is $15.00. Save $5.00 by purchasing them both at the same time (choose Practice Test A&B at checkout). Upon purchase you may view the test questions on the computer or print them off to view. You will also be given an answer key to check your answers. We suggest that you take the practice test and then check your answers. Review the information that is tested in the questions you missed, then take the second practice test to recheck your knowledge. Practice test A is the same practice test that is included in our COA Prep Course. If you would like a comprehensive review course for the COA certification exam you may purchase our COA Prep Course and that will include practice test A with it. If you have already purchased our COA Prep course and would like a second practice test you should purchase practice test B.