Optics Formulas

Course Overview
course is designed to teach and reinforce the many optics formulas that
ophthalmic techs may need to know for certification exams and clinical
issues. This course JCAHPO approved.
This course is intended for intermediate and advanced levels and offers
numerous optics formulas with example problems and practice problems
with an answer key. The optics formulas covered in this course are an
absolute necessity for those taking the COT and COMT certification
After completing this course the student will be able to:
Prentice’s Rule, know when to use it, know how to use it to solve
problems dealing with induced prism and lens decentering -
Identify and understand Snell’s law regarding index of refraction
Find out how much image displacement exists when looking through a prism of a certain amount
List and define the different types of lenses: converging, diverging, spherical, astigmatic or cylindrical
Describe the relationship between radius of curvature and lens steepness
Calculate the focal point of a lens or calculate the power of a lens with a known focal point
where an image will be formed given a known lens power and object
distance from lens, or calculate the lens power given known image
placement and object placement -
Calculate the sphere cylinder equivalent for prescriptions in plus cylinder and minus cylinder form
Transpose prescriptions from plus cylinder to minus cylinder form and vice versa
Understand and describe refractive states of myopia, hyperopia, emmetropia, and astigmatism
Calculate the far point of accommodation for an eye
Understand the types of astigmatism- simple myopic, compound myopic, simple hyperopic, compound hyperopic, mixed
Draw optical crosses for both spherical and astigmatic prescriptions
Use Prentice’s rule with optical crosses to find induced prism in astigmatic prescriptions
Calculate amplitude of accommodation, near point, far point, or refractive error given the other 2 values
total prism effect OU when given prism amounts for OD and OS-
understand how prism in each eye affects total prism amounts
Here is what some ophthalmic personnel who took this course had to say:
“well presented!” T.A., COMT
“Great help on explaining the many formulas, clearly explained with understandable examples- very helpful!” L.C., COMT
This course should take approximately two hours to complete.
completion of this section the student will take a post-test that will
test his/her knowledge of the items mentioned above. You must correctly
answer at least 18 of the 22 questions on the open book post test to
earn credit. If you do not successfully pass the post test the first
time you may try again at no expense to you.